The set of routes that start in different points of Andalusia and that converge in Mérida, thus joining the Silver Way and heading northward for Compostela, were the actual roads used by Christians living under Arab rule in the territory of Al Ándalus, that is to say, the Mozarabs (hence the name of the itinerary).
These routes have been recovered with the support of institutions, local councils and Jacobean associations, promoting them for their great architectural heritage, their traditions, their natural areas and their gastronomic wealth.
The itinerary does not present great difficulty since for the most part there are no significant slopes and it runs roads on dirt and asphalt tracks, making it cyclable almost entirely.
It is important to bear in mind that in summer this route is not recommended due to the high temperatures in the area. In spring it is advisable not to forget the usual water bottle and make sure you stay well hydrated.
The Mozarabic Way does not have an extensive network of hostels, but the number of establishments offering accommodation to pilgrims is increasing.